1 1/2 kg de papas
400 Gr de harina leudante
25 Gr de manteca
1 yema
3 cds de queso rallado
Cocinar en agua y sal un kilo y medio de papas, Formar un puré, agregarle 400
grs. de harina, 25 grs. de manteca, una yema y tres cucharadas de queso
rallado, formar una masa algo blanda y suave, se dividen en varios pedazos,
cortándolos en tiritas dándole forma redonda con la palma de la mano encima
de la mesa espolvoreada con harina, se cortan pequeños dados pasándolos
por un tenedor para marcarlos.
Se colocan en agua hirviendo con sal hasta que estén cocidos, se cuelan
colocándolos en una fuente, se cubren de tuco y abundante queso rallado.
Buen provecho
| ingredients: 1 1/2 kg of potatoes 400 gr of self-rising flour 25 grams of butter 1 yolk 3 tbsp grated cheese Cook a kilo and a half of potatoes in water and salt, make a puree, add 400 grams of flour, 25 grs. of butter, a yolk and three tablespoons of cheese grated, form a somewhat soft and smooth dough, divide into several pieces, cutting them into strips giving it a round shape with the palm of the hand on top from the table dusted with flour, cut small dice passing them by a fork to mark them. Place them in boiling salted water until cooked, strain Placing them in a fountain, they are covered with tuco and plenty of grated cheese. Bon Appetite |
