Base (15cm)
Relleno 130 gr de chocolate semiamargo 2 cucharaditas de gelatina sin sabor 2 cucharadas de agua 240 +120 ml de crema de leche
cobertura glaze de chocolate
Base calentar la crema y ponerle el
chocolate. Batir el huevo con el azúcar. Unir las dos cosas, poner en molde en mantecado o forrado con papel manteca . Llevar a horno mediano (350) 18 minutos Dejar enfriar
Relleno Hidratar la gelatina con el agua. Calentar 120 ml de crema y agregarle
el chocolate. Derretir. Batir la crema restante a medio punto. Calentar la gelatina hasta licuarla. Agregarla al chocolate. Dejar enfriar. Agregar todo a la crema batida. Batir hasta espesar.
armado: | Ingredients Bottom (15cm)
Filling 130 g semisweet chocolate 2 teaspoons of unflavored gelatin 2 tablespoons of water 240 +120 ml of heavy cream
chocolate glaze coating
Directions Base heat the cream and add the chocolate. Beat the egg with the sugar. Join the two ingredients, put in a buttered baking pan or lined with parchment paper. Bake at medium heat (350) for 18 minutes Let cool
Filling Hydrate the gelatin with the water. Heat 120 ml of cream and add the chocolate. Melt. Beat the remaining cream to medium point. Heat the gelatin until smooth. Add it to the chocolate. Let cool. Add everything to the whipped cream. Beat until thick.
Glaze: Hydrate the gelatin. in a small saucepan, Put the water, the bitter cocoa, and the cream. Cook in low heat until it boils. Add the gelatin. Let cool.
Setting up: |