Si al terminar la cocción de la salsa blanca vegana se nota que quedaron grumos, se puede resolver fácilmente: poner la preparación en una licuadora y listo. Con esta salsa blanca vegana también se puede hacer un dip para untar bastones de verduras o panes. Simplemente saborizarla con otras especias o con hierbas frescas. | Ingredients Flour, 50 g Vegetable milk, 600 cc Extra virgin olive oil, 50 g Sal, c/n Pepper, c/n Nutmeg, c/n Preparation In a thick, heavy and non-stick frying pan (all can be used, but these characteristics help the sauce not stick to the bottom of the frying pan) put the oil and heat it over medium or low heat without letting it make smoke. Add in the form of rain, the flour and immediately start stirring with a wooden or silicone spoon to toast the flour and make the pasta called roux, which is the base on which the white sauce is made. When the roux is ready, start slowly pouring the vegetable milk (at room temperature or slightly warmed) and continue stirring constantly with a wire whisk. Keeping the heat low, continue pouring the vegetable milk and stirring so that no lumps form or the temperature of the sauce rises, for 30 to 40 minutes. Yes, you have to be very patient and enjoy the procedure. Once the sauce is thick and at the desired point, add the pepper, salt and nutmeg. If at the end of the cooking of the vegan white sauce you notice that there were lumps left, it can be easily resolved: put the preparation in a blender and that's it. With this vegan white sauce you can also make a dip to spread vegetable sticks or breads. Simply flavor it with other spices or with fresh herbs. |
