Ingredientes: 1 kg de harina comun 2 cdas de sal 50 Gr de levadura fresca o 21 Gr de levadura seca 6 cdas de aceite vegetal 3 tazas de agua tibia
Relleno: 1 cebolla grande, 1 vaso de puré de tomates, 1 limón exprimido, 1 cda de azúcar, sal, baharat. ½ kg de carne picada cruda
Preparación: Tamizar 1 kg de harina con 2 cdas de sal. Deshacer con la mano dentro de la
harina 50 gr de levadura fresca. Agregar 6 cdas de aceite y 3 tazas de agua tibia. Amasar 10 minutos y golpear la masa. Tiene que quedar unida y seca. Cubrir con repasador y reposar 1 hora cerca del horno encendido Relleno: Procesar 1 cebolla grande, 1 vaso de puré de tomates, 1 limón exprimido, 1 cda de azúcar, sal, baharat. Agregar ½ kg de carne picada cruda y procesar otra vez Poner un poco de harina en la
mesada, volcar la masa. Dividir en 3 y hacer 3 cilindros. Cortar en 10 porciones iguales y estirar con palo de amasar formando un disco. Colocar los discos espaciados en bandeja aceitada. Cubrir con abundante carne aplastando con Pintar la carne con aceite. Descansar 1 hora. Horno bien caliente 10 a 15 minutos. Tienen que quedar blancos y la carne cocida. Si se quieren cerrados, cerrar en forma de triángulo.
| Ingredients: Stuffing: 1 large onion, 1 glass of tomato puree, 1 squeezed lemon, 1 tbsp sugar, Salt, baharat. ½ kg of raw ground beef
Directions: Sift 1 kg of flour with 2 tablespoons of salt. With the hand inside the flour break 50 gr of fresh yeast into pieces. Add 6 tablespoons of oil and 3 cups of warm water. Knead for 10 minutes and punch the dough. It has to keep together and be dry. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rest for 1 hour near the hot oven. Stuffing: Process 1 large onion, 1 glass of tomato puree, 1 squeezed lemon, 1 tbsp sugar, salt, baharat. Add ½ kg of raw minced meatand process again Put a little flour on the counter, and place the dough. Divide into 3 pieces and make 3 cylinders. Cut into 10 equal servings and stretch with a rolling pin forming a disk. Place on an oiled cookie pan leaving enough space between them. Cover with plenty of meat, crushing with a fork. Brush the meat with oil. Let ir rest for 1 hour. Bake in a very hot oven for 10 to 15 minutes. They have to be white and the meat should be well done. If you want them closed, fold to form a triangle.