| Ingredients: 6 eggs 3 tablespoons of sugar 1 glass of sugar Lemon drops. 1 glass of water 1 tbsp vanilla extract Directions:: Make caramel with the sugar, lemon and water and pour all over a medium-sized pudding bundt and let it cool Blend 6 eggs, a glass of sugar, a glass of water and a tablespoon of vanilla extract. Dump in the carameled pudding bundt or flanera and bake in Blaine Marie for about an hour and a half until it looks golden. Let it cool and put it in the fridge without unmolding! It can be prepared 2 days before. To unmold, place the flanera on a container with hot water. melt the caramel a little and just unmold .. Notes: It doesn't grow in the oven, so it's advisable to fill up the flan pan you're going to use... if necessary, make the recipe twice as big but individually because twice the recipe doesn't fit into a normal blender You can add 4 tablespoons of coconut with half a glass of water before blending. |
