Preparación: Trozar la carne y dejarla marinar por lo menos 12 horas dentro del vino, con el bouquet,
la zanahoria cortada y la cebolla en rodajas con sal y pimienta. Escurrir los trozos de carne y pasarlos por la fécula. Rehogar en aceite y dorar por 10
minutos. Mojar la carne con el líquido de la marinada, volver a salpimentar. Cocinar durante 1 hora y media. Agregar las cebollitas rehogadas.
| Ingredients: 2 kg of roast beef or any roast 2 tablespoons of potato starch, 750 cm3 of red wine, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 1 bouquet garnish, salt, pepper, and 250 gr of sauteed julienne onions.
Directions: Chop the meat and let it marinate for at least 12 hours in the wine, with the bouquet, the cut carrot and the sliced onion with salt and pepper. Drain the pieces of meat and pass them through the starch. Sauté in oil and brown for 10minutes. Moisten the meat with the liquid from the marinade, add salt and pepper again. Cook for 1 hour and a half. Add the fried onions.