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Ingredientes Panqueques:

  • 3 huevos enteros

  • 1½ taza de harina

  • 1½ taza de leche

  • 2 cucharadas de manteca derretida.


  • 250 gr Queso tipo Ricota.

  • 250 gr Queso crema.

  • 1 taza de Azúcar.

  • 1 cucharadita de Canela

  • 1 Cucharada de fécula de maíz.

Procedimiento Se mezcla todos los ingredientes de los panqueques en la licuadora y se deja reposar por al menos ½ hora y se hacen los panqueques

  1. Se hace la mezcla del relleno para que quede cremoso pero consistente

  • Se rellenan los panqueques y se hornean por ½ hora a 350.

  • Se acompaña con mermelada y crema al gusto.



3 whole eggs

1½ cup flour

1½ cup milk

2 tablespoons of melted butter.


250 gr Ricotta type cheese.

250 gr Cream cheese.

1 cup of sugar.

1 teaspoon of Cinnamon

1 Tablespoon of corn starch.


Mix all the ingredients of the pancakes in the blender and let it rest for at least ½ hour and make the pancakes

Mix The ingredients of the stuffing so that it is creamy but consistent

The pancakes are filled and baked for ½ hour at 350.

It is accompanied with jam and cream to taste.


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Welcome to BUBA'S KITCHEN, my very own passion project filled with unique and engaging content. Explore my site and all that I have to offer; perhaps   BUBA'S KITCHEN will ignite your own passions as well.


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